The Friends of Kinyambu is a project in support of the school and village of Kinyambu in Kenya. The project has two parts:
1) Friends of Kinyambu, will provide regular support funds to the school to purchase resources and
2) The Kinyambu Primary School Library project, working with Cardinal Leger School in Saskatoon, is raising money to build a library.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Almost Finished

January 23, 2014

I'm pleased to say that the library building is almost finished.  I don't have photos yet of the finished outside but I'll post them as soon as I can.  Simon has indicated that there are small finishing things to be done yet but then it will be complete.

Now, the work can begin on furnishing the inside with shelves and furniture with a reading area and display areas.

We also need to think of a name for the library.  I will throw this out to the Cardinal Leger School community since they have been the major fundraisers for this particular project.

If anyone is interested in going to Kenya in Feb. 2015 I hope to take some people  to see the project then.  A teacher/librarian would be a real asset if anyone wants to go - Kenyan schools don't often have libraries and they need some help with programming and set up.  If you are a teacher or can teach some skill we can arrange for you to do a workshop with teachers there to share some of your expertise too.

I'll be posting more on this as time goes on.

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