The Friends of Kinyambu is a project in support of the school and village of Kinyambu in Kenya. The project has two parts:
1) Friends of Kinyambu, will provide regular support funds to the school to purchase resources and
2) The Kinyambu Primary School Library project, working with Cardinal Leger School in Saskatoon, is raising money to build a library.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The paperwork is done!

It's amazing how complicated sending money to a group in Africa can be. In order for those who donate to get charitable receipts we need to have a registered charity, The Alphonse Gerwing Foundation, and then a group that has the track record and Revenue Canada reporting ability, Rainbow of Hope, and then the group in Kenya has to have a bank account in a bank that can receive international money, Kenya Commercial Bank.

And all this has to be done by email which sounds fast but isn't when much of Kenya outside of Nairobi doesn't have service and they have to use USB satellite sticks and travel by matatu (small vans authorized to carry passengers) and bus to get anywhere like the bank or get together for a meeting.

It's phenomenal that it happens at all. Too bad the mail system can't be trusted. I mailed a camera more than 2 months ago - luckily not that expensive - but it's not arrived yet and I expect someone helped themselves to it!