The Friends of Kinyambu is a project in support of the school and village of Kinyambu in Kenya. The project has two parts:
1) Friends of Kinyambu, will provide regular support funds to the school to purchase resources and
2) The Kinyambu Primary School Library project, working with Cardinal Leger School in Saskatoon, is raising money to build a library.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Learning computers

The Kinyambu Library is now equipped with computers and printer. Sylvia Ndunge Kyalo and Teddy Muoti lend a hand in printing some work for the headteacher.

Both Sylvia and Teddy are class eight pupils in Kinyambu Primary. They did marvelous work with the laptop and printer after just a few directions on how to operate them.

Post and pictures courtesy of  Mwalimu Timothy Kaija, seen below using the computer as well.