The Friends of Kinyambu is a project in support of the school and village of Kinyambu in Kenya. The project has two parts:
1) Friends of Kinyambu, will provide regular support funds to the school to purchase resources and
2) The Kinyambu Primary School Library project, working with Cardinal Leger School in Saskatoon, is raising money to build a library.

Monday, February 13, 2012

More resources for Kinyambu School

It's been awhile since I posted but that doesn't mean nothing is happening. In early January students and teachers at Cardinal Leger School put together a suitcase full of educational resources and I put another one together myself and we sent both with my sister and brother in law who were going to Kenya. We also sent a laptop for the school

They met Simon and his son Francis at their hotel in Nairobi and gave them the suitcases which he then took to the school. The children, parents and staff at the school were excited to get all the materials which included lots of art supplies, some dictionaries and books, some footballs, recorders and a solar radio and lots of small but useful things.

We hope the children will have lots of fun and learning with this.